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Manifestieren funktioniert heute anders!

Deine Energien kreieren mit, denn wir kreieren nicht mehr aus den Gedanken

Deine Emotionen, Programme, vererbte Themen bliden Deine Gefühle.

Deine Gefühle bilden Deine Realität.


Grace Integrity®


1. Soul embodiment in Grace Integrity®

Discover the transformative world of Grace Integrity® - a unique frequency that enables you to experience an empowered sense of wholeness and authenticity.  Thousands of people worldwide have already benefited from this breakthrough code.


2. Grace Integrity® Mental Heart Fusion

Experience the evolution of the Grace Integrity® Code that makes it easier for you to stop ruminating and finally make decisions from the heart. From the very first moments of the transmission, you will feel a deeply touching opening of your heart, accompanied by harmonious vibrations of love. Develop your new, most intense self-love!  


3. Manifestation in Grace Integrity®:

Enjoy lightness, expand your sense of happiness through the Manifestation Code. This method accelerates the manifestation process and bypasses barriers that the mind puts in our way. Large waves of lightness support this advanced process by purposefully shutting it down to prevent old thought patterns from expanding

Healing in divine unity

Topic areas

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Enjoy the moment when the healing and transforming frequency codes touch your system in depth, transform all blockages in the origin and noticeably increase your own frequency.

Your personal quality of life rises to the next level! 

You can indulge in a general healing, or choose a specific topic that is on your mind, such as


  • Fears

  • Lack of self-love

  • Lack of self-worth and self-acceptance

  • Doubts

  • Self-created dramas

  • Confusing situations

  • Certain behaviors and reactions that bother you about yourself

  • Blocking behavior patterns

  • Financial issues

  • Blockages in relationships

  • Health issues

  • Dissatisfaction

  • Little joy in life


Immediately after the 48 hours have passed, you will feel that a part of you that you have been carrying around for a long time is suddenly no longer there. A mixture of lightness and emptiness is noticeable and the process of getting used to your New Light Self begins.

The aftereffect of the healing can also last beyond the actual time of the transmission..

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The Process

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The healing begins on the agreed day and takes place via remote transmission. Video - calls or phone calls are not necessary.


You will be "immersed" (figuratively speaking) in the high frequencies.

They work with your whole system for 48 hours so that your body can transform the old dense energies and blockages.


Every person feels it in a different way. An altered acoustic perception of the environment can occur, a pulling or beeping in the ears is possible, because you are in a frequency environment that our body is not yet familiar with in most cases.

Because of this, some also report a kind of shortness of breath (very mild, well tolerated and temporary).

Thoughts, self-knowledge, images can come up again and again. These are issues that will leave you.


Your self-healing powers are activated, body works: Every single cell transforms the old dense energy into new, light and luminous. This is a process that requires a certain input of energy, so it may be accompanied by occasional fatigue.


Grace Integrity® Healing is a novel method that already works exclusively in 5D, the fifth dimension! The frequency codes only come from the new paradigm, so to speak from the future J: it still takes a little while until the earth including all living beings completely ascends into this new level, but the frequencies are already here and you may already benefit from it now, if you want to! Take the chance!

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