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Are you living your full potential in all areas of your life?

Or do you feel there is so much more within you…? If only all those inner boundaries and blockages would disapper?


Honestly: are you always and everywhere being real, yourself and live the way you wish? In your job, business, family life, in terms of health?

Or do you feel like locked in a cage? Cought between your own behavioral patterns, your fear, and all those limtations you allow other to out on you and to cross the line? 

Do you have the feeling like you are playing many different roles, being always someone else to please everyone and to meet common expectations? Sometimes you feel like you just don’t know who you are anymore?


Furthermore you are plagued by back pain and your inner disbalance makes ist presence felt with malposition, scoliosis, leg-lenght discrepancy and other signs of total unbalance!

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You have come to terms with that so far, and still you long for experiencing how it feels to finally really be in harmony with your true self…That’s possible for you!


You wish you could live to the full all your talents, faculties as well as the love and all the beauty you have within you? To enrich your environment and the World with YOU?
To feel all around happy because you finally can be yourself, no matter where you are at the moment and who you are talking to?

In this case this is the right thing for you!

Your true self, your soul is so beautiful and unique!
I will help you to unfold, to free it from all veils and shadows, to tackle them at their root, so that you can finally on all levels feel fulflilled and truly yourself.

Because that’s what you’re here for!

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HI, I’m Irina!

Your expert for frequency-based holistic transformation

I came into this world with a congenital malposition of my spine.

Most of my life I struggled with the pain and the unaesthetic appearance and tried to integrate this into my life somehow. 


I tried everything – from corsets over osteopathy, massages, injections, pills, excersices and even collected information on surgery options. After all there was a time I thought I just have to resign myself to this situation.  


Until I suddenly realized something that had always been intuitively present: the body is just a reflection of the programs running inside you! In addition to the physical transformation, I experienced a liberation of my true personality from everything that had previously held me back in many areas of my life.


Now I know exactly: the body is a reflection of the inner state!
Sustainable change can only happen inside-out. Meanwhile I am happy and thankful that I can share and spead this method into the word!
With my package Spin!Up your life I support others in their holistic return to their true self, so that they are able to live their full potential and can experience and enjoy the fulfillment.

Inner balance comes along with outer balance as my own transformation illustrates:

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6. Website #QuantumSpin #SpinupYourLife.png
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Diese Einsicht brachte nicht nur körperliche Veränderungen, sondern öffnete auch den Weg zu meiner inneren Transformation. Ich befreite mich von Blockaden, Verhaltensmustern und alten Glaubenssätzen, die mich in vielen Lebensbereichen zurückhielten.​

Heute weiß ich: Wahre Veränderung beginnt in unserem Inneren.
Ich habe es mir zur Aufgabe gemacht, Menschen wie dir zu helfen, zurück zu deinem wahren Selbst zu finden. Mit reinsten und mächtigen Frequenzen der Neuen Zeit unterstütze ich dich dabei, Schatten und Blockaden an die Oberfläche zu bringen und zu lösen. Finde innere Balance und lebe dein volles Potenzial – mit nachhaltigen Auswirkungen auf Körper, Geist und Seele!

Ich glaube fest daran: Du bist hier, um erfüllt und authentisch zu leben.

Ich begleite dich dabei!

My Result



Client, 60 yo., suffered from back pain:
„I always have been sceptcal towards spiritual healing methods. However the traditional medicine did not really help as well. My back pain bothered me since years. I found some relief at an osteopath, a great expert with a deep knowledge of alternative methods from many cultures. Unfortunately he passed away two year ago and I was left alone with my problem again. The pain occured more often. When Irina offered my her help, I thought, why not and just tried it. Although I did not really believe in success.But then I was surprised how fast every thing worked out: mz spine became less stiff, became more flexible. The pain disappeared! Since then I have only sometimes feel mz back when I overstrain it but with a few simple excercises I am now able to solve it myself and am not depandant on the help of an osteopath and his enormous power to correct my spine, like back then. I am happy. Thank you.“

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